Sending an EIP-7702 transaction
Example: send_eip7702_transaction
To run this example:
- Clone the examples repository:
git clone
- Run:
cargo run --example send_eip7702_transaction
//! Example showing how to send an [EIP-7702]( transaction.
use alloy::{
network::{EthereumWallet, TransactionBuilder, TransactionBuilder7702},
providers::{Provider, ProviderBuilder},
signers::{local::PrivateKeySigner, SignerSync},
use eyre::Result;
// Codegen from embedded Solidity code and precompiled bytecode.
// solc v0.8.25 Log.sol --via-ir --optimize --bin
#[sol(rpc, bytecode = "6080806040523460135760c9908160188239f35b5f80fdfe6004361015600b575f80fd5b5f3560e01c80637b3ab2d014605f57639ee1a440146027575f80fd5b34605b575f366003190112605b577f2d67bb91f17bca05af6764ab411e86f4ddf757adb89fcec59a7d21c525d417125f80a1005b5f80fd5b34605b575f366003190112605b577fbcdfe0d5b27dd186282e187525415c57ea3077c34efb39148111e4d342e7ab0e5f80a100fea2646970667358221220f6b42b522bc9fb2b4c7d7e611c7c3e995d057ecab7fd7be4179712804c886b4f64736f6c63430008190033")]
contract Log {
event Hello();
event World();
function emitHello() public {
emit Hello();
function emitWorld() public {
emit World();
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Spin up a local Anvil node with the Prague hardfork enabled.
// Ensure `anvil` is available in $PATH.
let anvil = Anvil::new().arg("--hardfork").arg("prague").try_spawn()?;
// Create two users, Alice and Bob.
// Alice will sign the authorization and Bob will send the transaction.
let alice: PrivateKeySigner = anvil.keys()[0].clone().into();
let bob: PrivateKeySigner = anvil.keys()[1].clone().into();
// Create a provider with the wallet for only Bob (not Alice).
let rpc_url = anvil.endpoint_url();
let wallet = EthereumWallet::from(bob.clone());
let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().wallet(wallet).on_http(rpc_url);
// Deploy the contract Alice will authorize.
let contract = Log::deploy(&provider).await?;
// Create an authorization object for Alice to sign.
let authorization = Authorization {
chain_id: U256::from(anvil.chain_id()),
// Reference to the contract that will be set as code for the authority.
address: *contract.address(),
nonce: provider.get_transaction_count(alice.address()).await?,
// Alice signs the authorization.
let signature = alice.sign_hash_sync(&authorization.signature_hash())?;
let signed_authorization = authorization.into_signed(signature);
// Collect the calldata required for the transaction.
let call = contract.emitHello();
let emit_hello_calldata = call.calldata().to_owned();
// Build the transaction.
let tx = TransactionRequest::default()
// Send the transaction and wait for the broadcast.
let pending_tx = provider.send_transaction(tx).await?;
println!("Pending transaction... {}", pending_tx.tx_hash());
// Wait for the transaction to be included and get the receipt.
let receipt = pending_tx.get_receipt().await?;
"Transaction included in block {}",
receipt.block_number.expect("Failed to get block number")
assert_eq!(receipt.from, bob.address());
assert_eq!(, Some(alice.address()));
assert_eq!(receipt.inner.logs().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(receipt.inner.logs()[0].address(), alice.address());
Find the source code on Github here.