Example: batch_rpc
To run this example:
- Clone the examples repository:
git clone git@github.com:alloy-rs/examples.git
- Run:
cargo run --example batch_rpc
//! Example depicting how to make a Batch RPC request using the HTTP provider.
use alloy::{
primitives::{address, U128, U64},
use eyre::Result;
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Spin up a local Anvil node.
// Ensure `anvil` is available in $PATH.
let anvil = Anvil::new().spawn();
// Swap this out with a RPC_URL provider that supports JSON-RPC batch requests. e.g. https://eth.merkle.io
let rpc_url = anvil.endpoint_url();
// Create a HTTP transport.
let client = ClientBuilder::default().http(rpc_url);
// Instantiate a batch.
let mut batch = client.new_batch();
// Add calls to the batch.
let block_number_fut =
batch.add_call("eth_blockNumber", &())?.map_resp(|resp: U64| resp.to::<u64>());
let gas_price_fut =
batch.add_call("eth_gasPrice", &())?.map_resp(|resp: U128| resp.to::<u128>());
let vitalik = address!("d8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045");
let vitalik_nonce_fut = batch
.add_call("eth_getTransactionCount", &(vitalik, "latest"))? // Vitalik's nonce at BlockId::Latest
.map_resp(|resp: U128| resp.to::<u128>());
// Send the batch request.
// Get the results.
let (latest_block, gas_price, vitalik_nonce) =
tokio::try_join!(block_number_fut, gas_price_fut, vitalik_nonce_fut)?;
println!("Latest block number: {latest_block}");
println!("Gas price: {gas_price}");
println!("Vitalik's nonce: {vitalik_nonce}");
Find the source code on Github here.