Changes to error bindings

core#883 makes similar changes to the error bindings that core#884 did to function call bindings in the sense that the form of the generated type is dependent upon two factors:

  1. Number of parameters the error has.
  2. Whether the parameter is named or unnamed in case it has only one param

Consider the following example:

sol! {
   // No params/args
   error Some();
   // Exactly one unnamed param
   error Another(uint256);
   // Exactly one named param - bindings for this remain unchanged
   error YetAnother(uint256 a);


All of the above were generated as regular structs.

// Empty struct
pub struct SomeError { };

pub struct AnotherError {
    _0: U256

pub struct YetAnotherError {
    a: U256


// Unit struct for error with no params
pub struct SomeError;

// Tuple struct for SINGLE UNNAMED param
pub struct AnotherError(pub U256);

Bindings remain unchanged for errors with multiple params and single but named param.