Example: reth_local_instance
To run this example:
- Clone the examples repository:
git clone git@github.com:alloy-rs/examples.git
- Run:
cargo run --example reth_local_instance
//! Example of spinning up a local Reth node instance and connecting it with a provider.
use alloy::{
providers::{Provider, ProviderBuilder},
use eyre::Result;
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Spin up a local Reth node.
// Ensure `reth` is available in $PATH.
let reth = Reth::new().dev().disable_discovery().instance(1).spawn();
let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().on_http(reth.endpoint().parse()?);
let chain_id = provider.get_chain_id().await?;
println!("Reth running at: {} with chain id: {chain_id}", reth.endpoint());
assert_eq!(chain_id, 1337);
assert_eq!(reth.http_port(), 8545);
assert_eq!(reth.ws_port(), 8546);
assert_eq!(reth.auth_port(), Some(8551));
assert_eq!(reth.p2p_port(), None);
Find the source code on Github here.