Example: query_contract_storage


To run this example:

  • Clone the examples repository: git clone git@github.com:alloy-rs/examples.git
  • Run: cargo run --example query_contract_storage
//! Example of querying contract storage from the Ethereum network.

use alloy::{
    primitives::{address, U256},
    providers::{Provider, ProviderBuilder},
use eyre::Result;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Create a provider.
    let rpc_url = "https://eth.merkle.io".parse()?;
    let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().on_http(rpc_url);

    // Get storage slot 0 from the Uniswap V3 USDC-ETH pool on Ethereum mainnet.
    let pool_address = address!("88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640");
    let storage_slot = U256::from(0);
    // The provider calls the RPC at the latest block by default. A block can exlpicitly be set
    // using `.block()`.
    let storage = provider.get_storage_at(pool_address, storage_slot).await?;

    println!("Slot 0: {storage:?}");


Find the source code on Github here.