Example: interact_with_contract_instance
To run this example:
- Clone the examples repository:
git clone git@github.com:alloy-rs/examples.git
- Run:
cargo run --example interact_with_contract_instance
//! This example demonstrates how to interact with a contract that is already deployed onchain using
//! the `ContractInstance` interface.
use alloy::{
contract::{ContractInstance, Interface},
primitives::{hex, U256},
providers::{Provider, ProviderBuilder},
use eyre::Result;
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Spin up a local Anvil node.
// Ensure `anvil` is available in $PATH.
let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().on_anvil_with_wallet();
// Deploy the `Counter` contract from bytecode at runtime.
let bytecode = hex::decode(
// solc v0.8.26; solc Counter.sol --via-ir --optimize --bin
// contract Counter {
// uint256 public number;
// function setNumber(uint256 newNumber) public {
// number = newNumber;
// }
// function increment() public {
// number++;
// }
// }
let tx = TransactionRequest::default().with_deploy_code(bytecode);
let contract_address = provider
.expect("Failed to get contract address");
// Get the contract ABI.
let path = std::env::current_dir()?.join("examples/contracts/examples/artifacts/Counter.json");
// Read the artifact which contains `abi`, `bytecode`, `deployedBytecode` and `metadata`.
let artifact = std::fs::read(path).expect("Failed to read artifact");
let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&artifact)?;
// Get `abi` from the artifact.
let abi_value = json.get("abi").expect("Failed to get ABI from artifact");
let abi = serde_json::from_str(&abi_value.to_string())?;
// Create a new `ContractInstance` of the `Counter` contract from the abi
let contract = ContractInstance::new(contract_address, provider.clone(), Interface::new(abi));
// Set the number to 42.
let number_value = DynSolValue::from(U256::from(42));
let tx_hash = contract.function("setNumber", &[number_value])?.send().await?.watch().await?;
println!("Set number to 42: {tx_hash}");
// Increment the number to 43.
let tx_hash = contract.function("increment", &[])?.send().await?.watch().await?;
println!("Incremented number: {tx_hash}");
// Retrieve the number, which should be 43.
let number_value = contract.function("number", &[])?.call().await?;
let number = number_value.first().unwrap().as_uint().unwrap().0;
assert_eq!(U256::from(43), number);
println!("Retrieved number: {number}");
// Try calling a function that does not exist.
let unknown_function = contract.function("decrement", &[]).unwrap_err();
assert!(unknown_function.to_string().contains("function decrement does not exist"));
Find the source code on Github here.