Example: send_eip4844_transaction


To run this example:

  • Clone the examples repository: git clone git@github.com:alloy-rs/examples.git
  • Run: cargo run --example send_eip4844_transaction
//! Example showing how to send an [EIP-4844](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-4844.md) transaction.

use alloy::{
    consensus::{SidecarBuilder, SimpleCoder},
    network::{TransactionBuilder, TransactionBuilder4844},
    providers::{Provider, ProviderBuilder},
use eyre::Result;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Spin up a local Anvil node with the Cancun hardfork enabled.
    // Ensure `anvil` is available in $PATH.
    let provider = ProviderBuilder::new()
        .on_anvil_with_wallet_and_config(|anvil| anvil.args(["--hardfork", "cancun"]))?;

    // Create two users, Alice and Bob.
    let accounts = provider.get_accounts().await?;
    let alice = accounts[0];
    let bob = accounts[1];

    // Create a sidecar with some data.
    let sidecar: SidecarBuilder<SimpleCoder> = SidecarBuilder::from_slice(b"Blobs are fun!");
    let sidecar = sidecar.build()?;

    // Build a transaction to send the sidecar from Alice to Bob.
    // The `from` field is automatically filled to the first signer's address (Alice).
    let tx = TransactionRequest::default().with_to(bob).with_blob_sidecar(sidecar);

    // Send the transaction and wait for the broadcast.
    let pending_tx = provider.send_transaction(tx).await?;

    println!("Pending transaction... {}", pending_tx.tx_hash());

    // Wait for the transaction to be included and get the receipt.
    let receipt = pending_tx.get_receipt().await?;

        "Transaction included in block {}",
        receipt.block_number.expect("Failed to get block number")

    assert_eq!(receipt.from, alice);
    assert_eq!(receipt.to, Some(bob));
        receipt.blob_gas_used.expect("Expected to be EIP-4844 transaction"),


Find the source code on Github here.